This Is A True Sad Story

This is a story about a 12 year old boy who suffered from leukaemia. The father tried very hard to raise money for medication and a bone marrow transplant. Nobody knew of their sufferings until the actual story was told. It is even more touching until you hear the words of this brave little dying hero!

Just before he died, his father, a longtime friend, confided in me. He told me of the ordeal that he was getting through. He was virtually “begging” around for donations to help his dying son. He was the talk of the town with different stories surfacing as if it was in a soap opera.

Genuine kindhearted people, friends and relatives gave very generously while a certain faction of the population turned a deaf ear; and some “gave” but insisted that they appeared in the media.

The dying boy found out that the father was too depressed and stressed out with those stories mongering around. He held his father’s hands and said very bravely with teary eyes. “Papa, you don’t have to go round begging people to help me anymore. I am going to be alright now. I feel good anyhow!”.

This is how this song is conceived. The rest is history now.

Lyrics Of Song


“A Desperate Father Didn’t Quite Succeed
In Raising Funds For His Son In Need
How Sad Nobody Knows
Until The Words Of This Little Hero”

I Know How You Really Feel
When You’re Standing There Watching Me
I Know Now Your Tears Are Real
When I See You Nursing Me

*** Chorus ***

*** Papa, Don’t You Try So Hard
I Know It’s Not An Easy Task
I’m Gonna Be Alright Now
I Feel Good Anyhow

Papa, Don’t You Cry So Loud
I Know What This Is All About
I’ll Stop Crying And Make No Sound
You Must Get Tough Anyhow ***

Everytime You Care For Me
There Are Rainbows Across The Sky
They Will Remain Up There For Me
Just To Show That You Have Tried

*** Chorus ***

*** Coda ***

I’ll Stop Crying And Make No Sound
You Must Get Tough Anyhow


“Carvin Left Us, On The Last Day Of The Year 2001
Remember The Dying Has Pride
For Humanity We Must Always Fight”

All Copyrights © Reserved 2003. Richard HF LEE

The Thoughts Of The Composer / Producer

What I want to say has already been said above. For the dying, no matter how weak they are, they have their own pride. Please respect them by showing that you care.

Caring does not only come in financial forms through donations. It can come in many different forms, for example, words of comfort; support; encouragement; assistance etc.

You can show that you care in many different ways. Start right now!

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